In order to make it easier for you, we provide the opportunity to register in our TO / TA platform, where you can check availability, prices, discounts and special offers 24/7 in real time. In the platform you can make reservations, change or cancel them.

The prices are NET and do not include agency commission, but give you information about the direct price from the hotel to the client. The terms of payment and cancellations are described in each offer.


Graphical User Interface, Application

Once you register, we will review the application and approve if it meets the conditions. It is mandatory to enter the TO/TA license number.
Note that you can create separate accounts for each employee after you make the initial registration.



Once you have successfully registered and we have approved your account, you will be able to view prices, availability and book and modify reservations directly 24/7!

In case we have an offer that is not yet present in the platform, you can contact, after which we will send it to you (as before). Upon receipt of the first reservation you need to send a license for TO/TA and company data.